Staff Advisory Council - The University of Tulsa
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Staff Advisory Council

mcfarlin with bell and white dogwood tree

The Staff Advisory Council facilitates communication between staff and the administration and helps implement the university’s strategic priorities. Membership is comprised of representatives from colleges and departments across campus.

The Staff Advisory Council of The University of Tulsa fulfills the following roles:

  • Facilitate communication between staff and the administration
  • Advise the administration on matters of interest to staff
  • Support implementation of the Strategic Plan and other university initiatives
  • Facilitate collaboration between staff and other university constituencies
  • Recommend staff representations to university committees and task forces.

The Staff Advisory Council is comprised of 33 staff members selected to represent the roughly 650 staff employees who serve vital roles throughout our community. Contact the Staff Advisory Council.

2024-25 Staff Advisory Council Membership

RoleFirst NameLast NameConstituencyTerm Expires
ChairAudreyCrumEnrollment Management / Admissions2025
MemberDeanaBementCampus Services2026
MemberStephanieBouldenKendall College of Arts and Sciences2026
MemberMandyBushMarketing & Communications2025
MemberDezyCinoccaHuman Resources2027
MemberKelliCollinsCareer Development & Professional Engagement2025
MemberAmyCulwellAt-Large Member2026
MemberDougFletcherAt-Large Member2027
MemberDenishaGarnerUniversity Adv. and Alumni Engmt.2025
MemberCaitlinGetchellGraduate School2025
MemberCarla Guthrie Center for Global Education & ISS2025
MemberCarlyKarrimanCollege of Engineering and Natural Sciences2026
MemberDionneLambertDiversity and Engagement2025
MemberRochelleLatimerAdvising/Student Success2026
MemberLisaMartinCollins College Business 2027
MemberMaryMcKeeSharp Chapel2026
MemberBonnieMedlicottResearch and Sponsored Programs2027
MemberMistyPingletonStudent Experience2026
MemberReginaRitchieUniversity School2027
MemberNikki Roberts IT 2025
MemberMelanieRosencutterAt-Large Member2027
MemberBernaSanowMcFarlin Library2026
MemberBridgetShaversFacilities 2026
MemberRobinShermanAt-Large Member2025
MemberMollyWahlgrenAt-Large Member2025
MemberAmbreWestonAt-Large Member2026
MemberCynthiaYaschineCollege of Law2027
Chair Ex OfficioJamesHollangerChair Ex Officio