Daily Crime Log, Fire Log and Incident Reports
Daily Crime Log, Fire Log & Incident Reports
Campus Security provides information on crimes, fires and incidents that occur on the Main Campus, North Campus, Oxley Health Sciences Campus and TU owned/controlled properties in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
The purpose of the Daily Crime and Fire Log is to record all criminal incidents, alleged criminal incidents and fire incidents that are reported to the Campus Security Department. The Daily Crime and Fire Log lists crimes, alleged crimes and fire incidents that occur on campus, areas immediately adjacent to campus, as well as off-campus Tulsa properties that support Tulsa’s educational mission. The Log provides crime and fire information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosures. A list of 60 days of activity is available online or by request at the Campus Security Department, (Hurricane Athletic Building, Mabee Gym, East side, 3115 E. 8th St.). Data older than sixty days is available by making a request to Campus Security. This information will be provided within two days.
Crimes may be temporarily withheld from the Daily Log under the following circumstances:
- The disclosure will jeopardize the confidentiality and safety of a victim or the integrity of an ongoing investigation
- The disclosure may cause a suspect to flee or evade
- The disclosure may result in the destruction of evidence
The information required to be listed on the Daily Log includes:
- Date/Time the crime or fire was reported
- Date/Time Frame the crime or fire occurred. (When a crime is reported and the time of the incident is not known, the time will appear on the log as 12:00. This is a function of our software system.)
- General location of the crime or fire
- Nature of the crime
- Disposition of the case