Safety Tips - The University of Tulsa
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Safety Tips

Students and employees can assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their belongings by following these simple, precautions.

  • Use the safety escort service when moving about campus at night.
  • Lock room doors when unoccupied.
  • Do not leave purses, wallets, credit cards, or identification cards (including campus ID and driver’s license) unattended.
  • Place bicycles in racks and secure them with sturdy cables and locks.
  • Record serial numbers, when available, and store them separately.
  • Lock vehicles at all times and remove valuable items.
  • Report any unusual activity, suspicious individuals, or malfunctioning equipment to Residence Life staff and/or security.
  • In the event of a weather alert, act responsibly and take cover as needed.
  • Observe all campus rules and regulations.

When walking or jogging

  • Need a walking escort? Call Campus Safety and Security!
  • Never walk alone.
  • Try to stay in populated areas.
  • Try to stay in well-lit areas.
  • Hold your bags close to your body.
  • Put your wallet in your front pocket instead of the back.
  • If a car approaches you and you feel threatened, change direction and call for help.
  • Never hitchhike.

If you are being followed

  • Cross the street or change direction.
  • Keep looking back so the person knows you can’t be surprised.
  • Walk to a well-lit and public area: Enter a building, library, classroom, or anywhere there are people.
  • Observe and remember as much as possible about any person who seems to pose a threat to your safety and give a description to the proper authorities.
  • Walk or drive to the Campus Safety and Security Office located near the Mabee East parking lot.

Your residence hall room

  • Keep your doors locked.
  • Don’t let strangers in.
  • Don’t leave doors unlocked or propped for someone planning to come back later.
  • NEVER PROP DOORS OPEN leading to the outside of the building!
  • Close blinds or shades in the evening.
  • When leaving for school breaks, take all your valuables with you.
  • If you arrive on campus after dark by taxi or private car, ask the driver to wait until you get inside.
  • Have your access card ready so you can open the door immediately.
  • Do not lend your keys to anyone.
  • Require identification of all service people.
  • Never leave a wallet, purse, or cash on top of a desk or dresser. Keep them in a drawer or out of sight. Keep a record of credit card numbers.
  • Record serial numbers, model, and brand names of valuable items in your room. Keep a duplicate copy of the list in a separate location from the original. Remember that stolen property cannot be lawfully reclaimed by you unless you can positively identify it.
  • Report all locks, windows, doors, and lights in need of repair to your Resident Assistant.

When in or around your vehicle

  • Always close the windows, close doors fully, and lock the doors when you leave the vehicle.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • When parking your vehicle at night, check for loiterers before leaving your vehicle.
  • Never leave any valuables in sight. Put them in the trunk or take them out of the vehicle.
  • When you approach your vehicle in a parking lot, be alert and check the area around your vehicle.
  • Always look in the back seat before you enter the vehicle to make sure no one is waiting in your vehicle.
  • Lock the doors as soon as you get into the vehicle.
  • While driving, if you think you are being followed, pull into a gas station, fire house, or police department where you can get help as soon as possible.

If you are unsure of a safety issue call:

Campus Safety and Security immediately at 918-631-5555