Policies - The University of Tulsa
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These policies have been established to create a safe and productive academic and work environment. All university employees and students are expected to be familiar with these policies and to follow them.

University policies are subject to change at any time and faculty, staff and students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with current policies. Individuals with questions about a particular policy should contact the department noted in that policy.

  • Alcohol and Drug Policy

    University’s policy on alcoholic beverages and use of drugs or illegal substances is in compliance with state and federal laws. The University provides for the sale of alcoholic beverages in certain locations and under certain circumstances, including through organizational activities (with prior approval).

    In keeping with University policy respecting the rights of students as adult citizens, students are legally responsible and liable for the consequences of their actions. Status as a University student does not make students exempt from otherwise applicable laws.

    Visit the Alcohol and Drug Policy

  • Identification Cards

    All students and university employees must obtain an official identification card from Parking and Card Services. The TU ID Card must be carried at all times when on campus and presented to University officials upon request. Anyone who fails or refuses to show their card may be asked to leave the campus. While this requirement may seem restrictive, it is designed to serve the needs of all members of the campus community.

    TU ID Cards

    TU ID Cards are required for admission to the University libraries, computer labs, fitness center and residence halls, for access to many campus activities, and for check cashing identification at the business office.

    TU ID Cards can also be used as a cash card on campus for purchase of food and other items.

    Lost, Stolen and Damaged Cards

    Please report lost or stolen cards to Parking and Card Services located in Fisher Hall. A $15 fee is charged to replace your TU ID card.

    Card Status

    TU ID Cards are not transferable and are void upon interruption or termination of enrollment/employment with the university.

    Caring for Your TU ID Card

    Your card uses three types of technology. The card has a barcode on the back for use in the library, a magnetic swipe on the back for your meal plan and Hurricane Gold accounts, and a proximity antenna for campus door access. It is important to follow some simple steps to insure the operation of your ID card as replacement costs $15.

    Do not punch a hole in the card to carry it on a chain. If you want a hole punched in the card, please bring it to Parking and Card Services and let the staff punch the hole in the correct location to avoid damage to the circuitry of the card.

    Do not use your ID card as an ice scraper; it will damage the circuitry for the proximity array and also possibly break the card.

    Do not wash and/or dry your ID card; it will make the card brittle and easy to break.

    Do not run a magnet across the magnetic strip.

    Do not expose the card to extreme temperatures.

    For additional information regarding your ID card, please visit Parking/Card Services, Fisher Hall or call 918-631-3360.

  • Missing Student

    In compliance with the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures 20 USC 1092 C; (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008), it is the policy of the Department of Housing and Residence Life to actively investigate any report of a missing student who is enrolled at TU as either a full- or part-time student. Each resident will be notified of the missing students’ policy and procedures in the event they are reported missing.

    Each resident upon checking into their assigned room is requested via the Resident Student Check-In Card (RSCC) to identify the name and contact number of the individual(s) to be contacted in case of an emergency, including identifying a separate contact person (if desired) in the event the resident is reported missing for a period of no more than 24 hours, if the student has been determined missing by the Office of Campus Security or local law enforcement. For any resident under the age of 18, and not an emancipated individual, the institution is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian no later than 24 hours after the time the resident is determined to be missing by the Office of Campus Security and university staff. Emergency contact information will be kept confidential and accessible only to authorized campus officials and will not be disclosed, except to law enforcement to further the missing person investigation.

    If a member of the TU community has reason to believe that any student is missing, all efforts will be made immediately (no waiting period) to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and wellbeing. These efforts include, but are not limited to: checking the resident’s room, class schedule, friends, ID card access, contacting the Office of Campus Security, locating the resident’s vehicle and calling cell phone numbers.

    If upon investigation by the Office of Campus Security and Housing and Residence Life staff the resident is determined missing for at least 24 hours, the Dean of Students will contact the resident’s designated emergency contact or custodial parent or legal guardian. This action is justified if the student is under the age of 18 or has failed to designate an emergency contact. Any missing student report must be referred immediately to TU’s Office of Campus Security. The Office of Campus Security will continue to investigate in collaboration with staff from Student Affairs and Housing and Residence Life. Campus Security will also coordinate its efforts with outside law enforcement agencies in full compliance with legal obligations and good faith practice. Regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is an emancipated minor, Campus Security will notify local law enforcement within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, unless local law enforcement was the entity that made the determination that the student is missing.

    When a University student is thought to be missing from the campus, campus officials (Dean of Students, Campus Security) should be promptly notified. All potential missing student reports will be referred to local police for investigation. A person also may be suspected of being missing if an inquiry about that individual comes to the t to a university official or campus security authority from a parent, legal guardian, law enforcement agency or staff member who has been unable to contact the student or verify the student’s presence on campus by email or phone call.

    Reporting a Missing Student

    To report a suspected missing student, immediately contact Campus Security, 918-631-5555, located in Mabee Gym 3115 E. 8th St., Tulsa OK. Campus Security will contact the offices of Student Affairs, Housing and Residence Life Staff and Tulsa Police to coordinate the search effort.

    All students and university employees must obtain an official identification card from Parking and Card Services. The TU ID Card must be carried at all times when on campus and presented to university officials upon request. Anyone who fails or refuses to show their card may be asked to leave the campus. While this requirement may seem restrictive, it is designed to serve the needs of all members of the campus community.
    TU ID Cards are required for admission to the University libraries, computer labs, fitness center and residence halls, for access to many campus activities, and for check cashing identification at the business office.
    TU ID Cards can also be used as a cash card on campus for purchase of food and other items, and some off-campus locations.

  • Timely Warning Policy

    The University of Tulsa is responsible for issuing timely warnings in compliance with the Clery Act (formerly known as the Federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990).

    The decision to issue a timely warning shall be decided on a case-by-case basis, in compliance with the act, and by considering all available facts. The timing of the notification shall, in the first instance, be based upon whether the crime is considered a serious or continuing threat to students or employees and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

    In the event that a situation arises that requires issuance of a warning, these warnings are provided to keep the campus community informed about safety and security matters on an ongoing basis and/or in an effort to prevent similar crimes from occurring.

    Timely Warnings

    Timely warnings are addressed for the following Clery Act crime classifications: arson, burglary, aggravated assault, murder, non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence, motor vehicle theft, robbery, and sex offenses. Timely warnings also may be issued for other crimes as deemed necessary. Upon receipt of all relevant information, such warnings will, as circumstances warrant, be issued in a manner to best protect the campus community.

    TU has communicated with Tulsa Police to request their cooperation in informing the institution about crimes and situations reported to them that may warrant timely warnings or an emergency response.

    Emergency Notification

    The Department of Campus Security will immediately notify the campus community after receiving confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus. Without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, TU will determine the content of the notification and initiate the Emergency Notification System; unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of the Campus Security Director, Captains and on-duty Supervisors, compromise efforts to assist a victim, contain the emergency, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency.
    The Department of Campus Security will gather and analyze reported facts, when appropriate, to verify that a legitimate emergency or dangerous situation exists.
    Emergencies include, but are not limited to, severe weather, active shooters, and fires.

    For more information on the means of notification, visit Campus Safety Measures.


    The University of Tulsa is responsible for issuing timely warnings in compliance with the Clery Act (formerly known as the Federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990).

    The decision to issue a timely warning shall be decided on a case-by-case basis, in compliance with the act, and by considering all available facts. The timing of the notification shall, in the first instance, be based upon whether the crime is considered a serious or continuing threat to students or employees and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

    In the event a situation arises that requires issuance of a warning, these warnings are provided to keep the campus community informed about safety and security matters on an ongoing basis and/or in an effort to prevent similar crimes from occurring.

    When a determination has been made that a timely warning or emergency notification is appropriate, Campus Security will take action to ensure timely notification of the campus community including immediately contacting the Director of Marketing and Communication to arrange for media distribution. Options for notifying students, faculty and staff include TU’s emergency notification system.

    Such warning(s) may include, but are not limited to, the following: type of crime, date, time and location of the crime as well as available suspect information.
    Emergency notifications are given to the entire campus community due to the campus size, the frequency of community members’ movement within the campus, and the goal of keeping the entire community aware of significant emergencies.

    In some situations, TU may alert the greater Tulsa community through radio, local news media, and other platforms. Any police supervisor may authorize an Emergency Notification.

    The Department of Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for developing, coordinating and assessing building emergency plans designed to be an all-hazards disaster response and emergency management plan.

    The building emergency plans provide emergency contacts and procedures specific to each building and will be updated as changes occur by the Associate Vice President for Risk Management and distributed in appropriate locations throughout the building by the Building Contact person.

    A copy of the building emergency plan can be requested from the Associate Vice President of Risk Management.

  • Weapons Policy