The School of Art, Design & Art History provides a stimulating and intimate environment for practicing, understanding, and advancing the visual arts. Grounded in traditional practices, the program encourages innovative and interdisciplinary approaches. Students develop critical thinking, artistic understanding, and technical skills for art professions or further studies. The program tailors to individual needs by emphasizing high professional standards, active community involvement, and small class sizes with faculty access. The curriculum fosters exploration before specialization by offering various artistic media and art history courses.
School of Art, Design & Art History
Art history minor leads to prestigious Andrew W. Mellon Diversity in Conservation program
As a University of Tulsa student, Tiara Woods researched and cataloged artworks by Daniel Lang through TURC, shedding light on Lang's donated collection. Recognizing the project's importance for the museum field, Woods, before graduating in May 2023, gained acceptance into the prestigious Mellon Diversity in Conservation program, addressing diversity gaps through hands-on opportunities and mentoring.
Visiting Artist
School of Art, Design & Art History hosts several visiting artists each year, giving the students an opportunity to learn new techniques through workshops or to receive critical advice through critiques
Past Visiting Artist
Arturo Herrera
Zora Murff
Marwin Begaye
Jimmy Grashow
Luba Lukova
Rebecca Drolen
Eve Sonneman
Andy Mattern
Althea Murphy-Price
Cary Esser
Paul Davis
Bonnie Stahlecker
Jenny Robinson
Eddie Dominguez
Edgar Heap of Birds
Antone Dolezal
Miguel Aragon
Guerilla Girls
Kathryn Polk
Daniel W. Coburn
Aaron Coleman
Alfredo Jaar
William Bailey
Art, Design & Art History Programs
Contact us
School of Art, Design, and Art History
Third Floor, Phillips Hall
2930 East 5th Street
Tulsa, OK 74104