Department of Mathematics - The University of Tulsa
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Department of Mathematics

UTulsa’s mathematics programs prepare graduates to meet the demands of a modern global society where sophisticated, quantitative skills are required to solve challenging science, engineering, business, education, and government problems. Mathematicians are essential to the fields of computer science, engineering, bioinformatics, data mining, computer animation, medical imaging, finance, economics, epidemiology, ecology, and climatology. The curriculum emphasizes the theory and application of mathematics while applying modern communication, modeling, and computation tools necessary for interdisciplinary problem-solving and research.

Schachle awarded Dean’s Faculty Excellence Award

Amy Schachle, senior instructor in mathematics, was awarded a 2023-24 College of Engineering & Computer Science Dean’s Faculty Excellence Award. “We celebrate Amy whose unwavering dedication as an outstanding teacher, valued colleague, and influential leader within the Math department, coupled with her extensive service on University committees, continuously elevates the academic community here at TU."

Amy Schachle, M.S. ECS 55th Annual Honors & Awards

Explore the department

  • Faculty
  • Beyond the classroom
  • Community outreach
    • Department Faculty

      Our faculty, who specialize in applied analysis, numerical analysis, and mathematical statistics, serve as close mentors to students who excel in the classroom and national competitions.

      View faculty

    • Tulsa Girls' Math Circle

      Established in 2014, this math circle is open to middle school girls interested in problem-solving and mathematics who enjoy sharing their math enthusiasm with peers.

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    • Tulsa Math Teachers' Circle

      Hosted by the Department of Mathematics, the Tulsa Math Teachers’ Circle is an organization dedicated to increasing student achievement by enhancing problem-solving skills and encouraging mathematical discovery.

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    Mathematics Programs