Petroleum Science and Energy Transition High School Educator Institute - The University of Tulsa
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Petroleum Science and Energy Transition High School Educator Institute

The McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering at The University of Tulsa offers a summer workshop for Oklahoma high school science teachers to enhance their ability to teach on the subjects of energy sources and transition, the use of oil and gas in today’s world, and opportunities for their students to pursue a career in the 21st century energy industry. This free, three-day workshop for 20 educators in the fields of chemistry, physics, environmental science, or mathematics provides valuable continuing education resources as well as a $400 stipend for participants, lodging, and meals during the three-day event. Participants are also eligible for additional $300 for teaching a local workshop.

With the discussion of climate change in classrooms across the United States, many students are wondering the types of opportunities they have in energy industry. About 62% of energy today is provided by oil and gas, and the knowledge gained in producing oil and gas can also be applied in the areas of CO2 sequestration in depleted reservoirs and aquifers, intermitted storage of hydrogen in aquifers, transportation of hydrogen and other fuels through extensive pipeline networks, geothermal energy in deep formations, management of produced water, as well as reduction of methane emissions from existing oil and gas operations. The workshop will touch upon not only traditional oil and gas extraction, but also how that knowledge can be extended in energy transition area.

June 23-25 2025

$400 stipend - rising to $700 total

This workshop was designed by the faculty of two of the top three petroleum engineering programs in the world (University of Texas at Austin and The University of Tulsa) to give current secondary teachers the tools that they need to teach the most up-to-date information in energy applications. Every topic covered in the workshop is mapped on current Oklahoma Educational Standards (see

For successful applicants, The University of Tulsa and several of their benefactors will cover all expenses including meals and housing for the four-day workshop. In addition, each participant will earn a $400 stipend with the opportunity to earn an additional $300 if they subsequently lead a workshop for 10-20 teachers in their respective or nearby school districts.

Petroleum Science and Energy Transition Institute Agenda

June 23-25, 2025

The University of Tulsa

Day I – Monday, July 23, 2025

8-8:30 a.m.: Welcome and Introductions
Mohan Kelkar, The University of Tulsa

8:30-9:30 a.m.: Energy Transition
Mohan Kelkar, The University of Tulsa

9:30-9:45 a.m.: Introduction to the Energy Excursions Website
Mohan Kelkar, The University of Tulsa

TOPIC: Science and Engineering Expertise to Safely Drill into the Earth

9:45-10 a.m.: Break

10-11:30 a.m.: Rocks and Fluids for Petroleum Systems
Mohan Kelkar, The University of Tulsa

11:30-12:30 p.m.: Lunch

12:30-1:45 p.m.: Drilling A Safe Well
Mike Stafford, The University of Tulsa

1:45-3 p.m.: Drilling Simulator – Practice

3-3:15 p.m.: Break

3:15-4:15 p.m.: Introduction to Production Systems
Mike Stafford, The University of Tulsa

4:15-5:15 p.m.: Production Lab Experience

5:30 p.m.: Dinner

Day II – Tuesday, June 24, 2025

7 a.m.-1 p.m.: Field Trip to Devon Facilities and meet with field personnel

  • Production Facilities
  • Emission Measurements
  • Reduction Strategies

2-3:15 p.m.: Basics of Reservoir
Mohan Kelkar, The University of Tulsa

3:30-4:15 p.m.: Carbon Storage and Sequestration
Silvio Baldino, The University of Tulsa

4:15-5 p.m.: Geothermal Energy
Mustafa Onur, The University of Tulsa

5:30 p.m.: Guest Speaker and Dinner

Day III – Wednesday, June 25, 2025

8 a.m.-12 p.m.: Energy Storage and Usage – Experimental Data and Observations
Energy Storage using:

  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Hydraulic energy
  • Combustion engine
  • Thermal difference

Eduardo Pereyra, The University of Tulsa
Mohan Kelkar, The University of Tulsa
Mike Stafford, The University of Tulsa

12-1 p.m.: Lunch

1-3 p.m.: Tour of North Campus Facilities

  • Oil and Gas Transportation
  • Drilling rig
  • Hydrogen and CO2 transport

3-4 p.m.: Feedback and Open Discussion
Final Comments and Survey

  • Apply

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