Route 66 Conference - The University of Tulsa
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Continuing Education Route 66 Conference

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Route 66 Conference will welcome Carol Flexer, Ph.D., CCC/A, LSLS Cert. AVT, as the guest speaker for the 30th Annual Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders on Feb. 21, 2025. Her focus will be "Auditory Brain Development: The Key to Language and Literacy for All Children." We invite you to save the date and look for registration to open in early December 2024.

CONTACT Register

The Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders is an annual continuing education conference organized and hosted by undergraduate speech-language pathology students at The University of Tulsa. Since 1995, this gathering has provided an opportunity for professionals and students to learn from renowned speakers who specialize in one of the nine main areas of speech-language pathology, including receptive and expressive language delay, speech sound disorders, fluency and feeding and swallowing. We’re thrilled to announce that the 2025 Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders will take place Feb. 21, 2025.

Carol Flexer, Ph.D


Route 66 Conference will welcome Carol Flexer, Ph.D., CCC/A, LSLS Cert. AVT, as the guest speaker for the 30th Annual Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders Feb. 21, 2025.

Her focus will be “Auditory Brain Development: The Key to Language and Literacy for All Children.” We invite you to save the date and look for registration to open in early December 2024.

Beyond the classroom

  • Learning Objectives
  • ASHA Certification and maintenance standards
    • Learn how to choose effective strategies for teaching and generalizing skills

      After completing this activity, participants will be able to describe auditory brain development as the foundation for listening, language, and literacy for all children, define distance hearing and incidental learning and relate both to acoustic accessibility in school environments, illustrate the impact of language and social exposure on the development of Executive Functions, and detail current strategies and technologies used by professionals and families that can enhance listening, language, literacy, and executive functioning in children.

    • This program is offered for 0.6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; Professional area)

      This program is offered for 0.6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level' Professional area). ASHA Certification Maintenance Standards require that all certificate holders (CCA-A and CCC-SLP) must accumulate 30 Certification Maintenance Hours (CMHs) of professional development during each 3-year certification maintenance interval in order to maintain their ASHA Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCC). Financial Disclosure: Carol Flexer, Ph.D., is receiving an honorarium from The University of Tulsa for services delivered during this conference. Non-financial disclosure: None

    • Agenda
      Time Topics
      8:30-8:45 a.m Introduction
      8:45-9:30 a.m. Discussion of the latest brain research, emphasizing the connection between the brain, hearing, hearing loss, auditory neural deprivation, and use of hearing technologies
      9:30- 10:15 a.m. Connecting the dots from research to practice for development of spoken language, literacy, and music.
      10:15-10:30 a.m. Break
      10:30-12 p.m. Continue connecting the Dots in Topic 2
      12-1 p.m. Break
      1-2:30 p.m. Acoustic accessibility: Managing learning environments for all children using remote microphone technologies.
      2:30-2:45 p.m. Break
      2:45-4 p.m. Practical tips for professionals featuring executive functioning: How to grow a child’s brain for talking, reading, learning, and making friends.

    • Fees

      Professionals: $130.00
      Non-UTulsa students: $50.00
      UTulsa faculty and UTulsa students: $25.00

      • Purchase orders accepted for payment. No onsite registration available.
      • All materials and conference information will be sent via email before the conference day.
      • Refunds will not be granted due to inclement weather or internet connectivity problems (if applicable). Refunds may include a 20% processing fee and will not be given after February 28th, 2025.
    • Location

      Great Hall at the Allen Chapman Student Union, The University of Tulsa.



    We look forward to seeing you at this stimulating conference.

    Email Route 66 Conference

    This program is offered for 0.6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level).

    ASHA Certification Maintenance Standards require that all certificate holders (CCA-A and CCC-SLP) must accumulate 30 Certification Maintenance Hours (CMHs) of professional development during each 3-year certification maintenance interval in order to maintain their ASHA Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCC).

    Non-financial disclosures: None.

    Financial disclosure: Dr. Carol Flexer is receiving an honorarium from The University of Tulsa for services delivered during this conference.


    A.g.bell brand logo

    This program is offered for 0.6 AG Bell Listening and Spoken Language CEUs (Intermediate level). The AG Bell Academy requires continuing education units (CEUs) from its certified LSL Specialists to receive and maintain certification.