Biological Science Research
Faculty research includes aspects of biological diversity and phylogenetics, molecular aspects of cellular biology, molecular evolution, behavioral and population ecology, molecular ecology, aerobiology, epidemiology, microbiology, virology, cognitive behavior, physiology, development and genetics. Specific research areas in biological science vary in accordance with individual faculty interests:
- Molecular biology, ecology and epidemiology of plant viruses
- Biogeography, life history and evolution of amphibians
- Integrative molecular ecology in mosaic landscapes/reptilian reproduction
- Behavioral and disease ecology of cliff swallows
- Molecular mechanisms governing gamete recognition, fertilization and pre-implantation embryo development in mammals
- Molecular phylogenetics and microbial diversity
- Molecular evolution
- Molecular characterization of foodborne pathogens and their antibiotic resistance mechanisms
- Study of airborne allergens, pollen forecasting and mycology
- Reproductive systems of terrestrial pulmonate gastropods
- Foraging ecology and population dynamics of honey bees
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR)
- Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Our students work directly with professors in laboratory and field settings where valuable research experience contributes to their overall education and career possibilities.