Physics & Engineering Physics Research - The University of Tulsa
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Physics & Engineering Physics Research

Research is instrumental in demonstrating creativity, common sense, and the ability to work collaboratively. In fact, we regard it as an essential skill for our undergraduates as well as our graduate students. Therefore, every degree in the department requires the satisfactory completion of a minimum of two semesters of research. Many TU undergraduate students collaborate with their faculty advisers to publish peer-reviewed scientific papers in leading physics journals. Our faculty are active in many areas of research including:

  • Experimental Optics and Spectroscopy
  • Experimental Solid State Physics
  • Materials Simulation and Condensed Matter Theory
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

In addition, our undergraduate students have the opportunity and are encouraged to engage in research throughout their time at TU. It is very common for the best-prepared students to have started their research experience by their second year at TU. Students are also highly encouraged to engage in research during the summer. Opportunities abound at TU with our undergraduate research program (TURC), and at other universities, national laboratories, and in industry.