Honors Summer Academy

Ask the big questions
Honors Summer Academy 2025 takes place June 15-25.
Applications are due April 1.
What is human excellence? What is the highest human good? What is friendship and with whom can I have it? What is justice? What roles do study and contemplation play in a good human life?
At the Honors Summer Academy, rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors earn college credit in a totally immersive and on-campus pre-college program by studying the classics with the faculty of The University of Tulsa Honors College. Participants spend their mornings with faculty in discussion-based seminars probing the questions raised by the great thinkers who make up the Honors College Curriculum like Plato, Dante, and Frederick Douglass. In the afternoons and evenings, current Honors College students lead recreational and cultural activities both on and off campus, experiencing all that eastern Oklahoma and Tulsa have to offer, from rodeos and Native American history and culture to world class art museums and outstanding parks.

Living on campus

Participating students have the opportunity to experience pre-college life on UTulsa’s beautiful 209-acre campus that offers a balance of focus, friendships, and fun. Students are housed in LaFortune House, one of five residence halls, and have access to campus facilities including McFarlin Library and the Collins Fitness Center.


Meals and snacks are provided throughout the duration of the summer academy. UTulsa’s Dining Services is committed to providing the campus community with a variety of healthy eating options in enjoyable settings that promote social interaction.

Students join current Honors College students who lead recreational and cultural activities both on and off campus. Activities include playing games, trivia night, and access to the Collins Fitness Center, Case Tennis Center, Esports & Gaming Lounge, and more. Off-campus, students visit Philbrook Museum, Riversport, Gathering Place, and more!

In so many ways, I have gained a solid foundation for living in dorms, making friends from scratch, and being independent.
Admission Requirements and Fees
How to Apply
Required Materials
- Completed HSA application
- Copy of high school transcript
- One letter of recommendation
Applications are due April 1, and admission decisions will be released on a rolling basis.
Cost and Payment
- $1200 program cost covers on-campus housing, food, t-shirt, reading materials, and excursions
- Payment due by May 15
- Need-based aid and payment plan options are available. Please email Dayne Riley at dcr148@utulsa.edu to inquire about payment options.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the application deadline?
April 1
What are my payment options?
Families can pay through a payment portal by credit card, or can provide a check or cash directly to the bursar’s office. Payment plans are also be available.
Do you have any financial aid available?
Yes, we have some need-based aid available. You can reach out to Dayne Riley at dcr148@utulsa.edu to inquire about financial aid.
How many students are accepted into the program?
Approximately 50-60 students are accepted each summer.
What are the admission criteria for the Honors Summer Academy?
We expect students to display academic success in high school and a deeper desire to learn and engage with the Big Questions. These items are not quantified, as we implement holistic review.
What materials are required to complete my application?
You must submit the application form, an up-to-date high school transcript, and one letter of recommendation in order to complete your application for review.
When will I hear back on my decision?
Decisions are released on a rolling basis through April 15.
What will an average day look like?
Participants spend their mornings with faculty in seminar addressing the big questions raised by classic texts and their afternoons and evenings with current Honors College students, who lead recreational and cultural activities both on and off campus.
Will I get materials ahead of time or when I arrive?
Reading materials will be mailed to you ahead of time.
I’m graduating from high school this spring. Can I still apply?
No. Only rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to apply for the program.
Do I get college credit by attending the Honors Summer Academy?
Yes! Upon completion of the program to the professor’s satisfaction, you will receive 3 credit hours of college credit.
Can I attend multiple summers in a row? Will I get college credit each time?
Students are welcome to apply for multiple summers but will only receive college credit for their first attendance and completion of the program. The course materials will not change drastically between summers, so the course number will not count for a different class credit the following year.
Is housing gender-specific or co-ed?
All students stay in LaFortune House, but are separated by gender on different floors. Students will only stay in dorms and share bathrooms with students of the same gender.
Are meals covered?
Yes! The $1,200 fee for the Honors Summer Academy covers course materials, housing, dining, and transportation to off-site programming.
Can I commute to the program from home?
No. The Honors Summer Academy is a fully residential program. Students are required to live on campus for the duration.
I loved this camp. At school we have conversations like these occasionally, but never this much. I can’t wait to go home and keep thinking about this literature.
Ready to get started?
Complete and submit your online application by April 1.