Operating within and as a part of the TU College of Law Legal Clinic, the Tulsa Immigrant Resource Network (TIRN) provides direct service to Tulsa’s noncitizen population. TIRN has operated since 2008 as the second incubator program in the United States. TIRN is separately funded through a generous grant from the George Kaiser Family Foundation.
In addition to direct services, TIRN, often with the assistance of law clinic students, provides education on immigration law and process, as well as immigrants’ rights, to the community at large and to legal and nonlegal providers to the noncitizen population. TIRN also accepts advocacy projects that benefit the noncitizen community at large in the Tulsa area.
After graduation, students have the opportunity to apply for one of TIRN’s two-year legal fellowships. The TIRN fellows are recent law school graduates licensed to practice law and may represent clients in immigration and nonimmigration proceedings such as family law matters.