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Biological Science

headshots of three men set side by side above the words 2022 Outstanding Researchers

Outstanding Researchers 2022

The University of Tulsa is pleased to announce the recipients of the…

woman with long blonde hair seated at a laboratory bench

Biology Ph.D. student lauded for work on salamander reproduction

Drawing on her doctoral research, Madison Herrboldt was the lead author of…

illustration of a transparent male torso and arms showing a glowing red heart

What should I major in if I want to go to medical school?

TU's pre-health professions program and career coach will ensure you’ll take all…

young woman with dark hair wearing a white lab coat and handling medical samples and test tubes

Six in-demand jobs in the health sciences

Health care is booming. As the country’s population gets older, health professions…

close-up shot of three people in hospital scrubs with arms crossed

What are pre-med and pre-health professions?

Medicine, nursing, physical therapy, optometry -- TU's pre-health professions program can be…

woman looking through a microscope in a laboratory

Biological science as a gateway to STEM

Studying biological science at The University of Tulsa is an ideal gateway…

young woman outdoors smiling and wearing a white open collar shirt

Maria Paszkowiak honored with 2021 Marcy Lawless Service Award

A tireless, enthusiastic volunteer on campus and with community-focused organizations beyond, this…

woman with long hair and a blue blouse standing in a lab

TU junior named a 2021 Goldwater Scholar

Ann Marie Flusche has been named a 2021 Goldwater Scholar, one of…

A group of seven students in a classroom making positive hand gestures

TU students named University Innovation Fellows at Stanford

Seven TU students have been named University Innovation Fellows by Stanford University’s…

Professor Mohamed Fakhr in his lab wearing a white lab coat and examining a test tube containing a dark liquid

Secrets of the pathogens: Biological science researcher awarded grant to study major cause of foodborne illness

The USDA has awarded Mohamed Fakhr a major grant to analyze six…


ENS faculty and students honored for research and industry advancement

A group of TU faculty and students are being honored by the…

genome research

Genome research published in Science explains color differences in birds

This research paves the way for deeper investigations into how other factors…

Using science to safeguard against the coronavirus

Amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) impacting travel and influencing financial market activity,…

TURC program

TURC program demonstrates benefits of undergrad research

Students from every college participate in year-round TURC research endeavors that fuel…


TU, LIBR partnership at the forefront of mental health research 

Close ties to LIBR are an incentive for students, especially those at…

alyssa williams abroad

Biology abroad: ISL student realizes her full potential with TU dual degree

Alyssa Williams has returned from her year abroad in Freiburg, Germany, and…

Bettina Walker PhD

Never too late: Single mom pursues a graduate degree

Bettina Walker is determined to get her Ph.D. in molecular biology all…

Junior TURC

High school seniors perform cutting-edge research as TURC Junior Scholars

The Junior TURC program invites high school juniors from the Tulsa area…

Nicholas Tsahiridis

High school senior offered $2.5M in scholarships at 35 universities, chooses TU

Tsahiridis is planning a career as a neurologist/neurosurgeon and will study biology…

Dr. Roger Mailler sitting at a microscope

TU receives more than $1M in DoD funding

TU has received a Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) award, totaling…