Matthew Post, Ph.D. - The University of Tulsa
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Matthew Post, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Honors College

Applied Associate Professor of Philosophy


Matthew Post is responsible for developing programs in liberal arts, classic texts, and character education, focused on fostering vibrant communities dedicated to friendship, excellence, and service to the common good. He was the inaugural director of the first graduate K–12 classical teacher formation program in the U.S., and has founded, developed, supervised, and fundraised for other programs serving education reform. He is an ardent advocate of the renewal of liberal education, working with teachers and schools cross the U.S. and Europe, and teaching courses in literature, philosophy, history, and civics, among other areas. His academic writing focuses on key thinkers such as Plato, Cicero, and Hegel, and his field research examines the relationship between school culture and motivation for virtuous action in a variety of educational institutions, public and private. He has taught in Canada, Japan, and Slovakia in addition to the U.S.



  • Ph.D., Politics, University of Dallas
    • Dissertation: “Prudence and Transcendence in Plato’s “Symposium,” “Republic” and “Timaeus”
  • M.A., Political Science, Carleton University
    • Dissertation: “The “Art of Turning” in the Works of Plato and Saint Augustine”
  • B.A., Liberal Arts, College of the Humanities, Carleton University
    • Dissertation: “The Sundered Unity of Freedom in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”

Research interests and areas of expertise

  • Character education
  • Metaphysics
  • Political philosophy
  • Ancient philosophy
  • German idealism
  • The American founding