Silvio Baldino, Ph.D. - The University of Tulsa
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Silvio Baldino, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering

Associate Director of TUDRP


Silvio Baldino joined The University of Tulsa as an assistant professor in 2022. He brings industry experience (Shell and Cognite AS) in optimization and digitalization for real-time drilling operations and data-driven solutions leveraging historical data for drilling and completions. He currently serves as associate director for TU’s long-standing drilling research consortium (TUDRP). Silvio Baldino holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in energy engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, and a Ph.D. degree in petroleum engineering from The University of Tulsa.


  • Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, The University of Tulsa, 2019
  • M.Sc., Energy Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan, 2014
  • B.Sc., Energy Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan, 2012

Research interests and areas of expertise

  • Real-time drilling data analysis
  • Wellbore geomechanics
  • Fluid rheology
  • Well hydraulics
  • Cuttings transport
  • CO2 underground storage