Department of Energy’s Office of Science shares opportunities with TU - The University of Tulsa
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Department of Energy’s Office of Science shares opportunities with TU

Department of Energy representatives speaking with TU studentsRepresentatives from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science and national labs visited The University of Tulsa last week to tour TU’s research facilities and meet with students, faculty, and administrators.

Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, director of the Office of Science, addressed the TU community during a meet and greet with officials from 10 national labs. DoE’s Office of Science has an $8.1 billion budget and is larger than the National Science Foundation, covering more than 34,000 researchers at 300+ institutions and national labs, she said.

Department of Energy representatives speaking with TU studentsBerhe explained her office advances scientific discoveries by providing resources and tools to researchers primarily in the traditional science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, but DoE also supports work in economy, national security, and other areas related to the energy industry.

The following facilities sent representatives to TU to discuss internships and research opportunities for students and faculty:

  • Ames National Lab
  • Argonne National Lab
  • Brookhaven National Lab
  • Fermi Lab
  • Jefferson Lab
  • Lawrence Berkeley Lab
  • National Renewable Energy Lab
  • Oak Ridge National Lab
  • Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

Students who are interested in internships or job openings in the DoE Office of Science should contact CaneCareers for more information.