First year college students studied in project facilitated by TU, LIBR
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TU partners with LIBR for study on well-being of first-year students

Study aims to examine first-year college students on academics and psychological well-being

Since 2016, The University of Tulsa and the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) have partnered to host a study aimed at examining the impact of mental toughness training on academic success and psychological well-being of first-year college students at TU.

first year college studentsInitial results indicate that a brief, four-session training program can improve psychological well-being over the first semester of college and may reduce the risk of students leaving college. Future efforts will aim to identify ways of further enhancing the benefits of the program.

Assistant Professor of Community Medicine Robin Aupperle, a principal investigator at LIBR, is leading the study. Her research focuses on using neurocognitive methods to enhance understanding of anxiety, depression and resiliency to stress.