TU Law students honored for Outstanding Trial Brief - The University of Tulsa
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TU Law students honored for Outstanding Trial Brief

TU Law Dean Oren Griffin (right) poses with students who were honored at the South Texas Mock Trial Challenge

TU Law students Hillary Hurst, Sean McCalip, Malia Castillo Fields, and Phillip Berry earned an award for their Outstanding Trial Brief at the 2023 South Texas Mock Trial Challenge.

In the South Texas Mock Trial Challenge, advocates from law schools across the country face all the demands of an actual jury trial. They present opening statements, conduct direct and cross-examinations of expert and lay witnesses, and wrap up with closing arguments. Along the way, competitors also argue objections based on the Federal Rules of Evidence.

The event offers unique components designed to add to its realism. Students must write a trial brief as part of the competition, which is uncommon but reflects the emphasis on legal research and writing.

More than 280 attorneys judged 48 teams from 47 ABA-accredited law schools across the country in 2023.