Jennifer Steward, Ph.D. - The University of Tulsa
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Jennifer Steward, Ph.D.

Applied Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology

Director of the True Blue Neighbors Behavioral Health Clinic

Practicum Coordinator


Jennifer Steward, Ph.D., is the director of the True Blue Neighbors Behavioral Health Clinic, a free outpatient community mental health clinic that serves Kendall Whittier neighborhood and the greater Tulsa community. The clinic serves as the training clinic for The University of Tulsa’s clinical psychology graduate programs, in which the graduate students spend the first year of their practicum training to develop foundation skills in evidence-based psychotherapy and psychological assessment. While she does not have a research lab, she conveys importance of research in clinical practice through her teaching and supervision.

Steward is a member of the psychology faculty as an applied assistant professor. Steward spends much of her time working with the graduate students in TU’s clinical psychology master’s and doctoral programs through the teaching of practicum classes at all levels (i.e., pre-practicum, practicum, advanced practicum). Steward also serves as the program’s practicum coordinator and assists students in their placement at external training sites in the community, facilitates relationship with current and potential practicum sites, and is the conduit between the program and the external practicum placements. She also previously taught the foundations of psychology class for undergraduates and intellectual assessment for graduate students.


  • Ph.D., The University of Tulsa
  • M.A., The University of Tulsa
  • B.S., The University of North Texas

Research interests and areas of expertise

  • Clinical psychology
  • Psychological assessment
  • Clinical supervision