Richard Shaughnessy, Ph.D., has served as Director of the University of Tulsa’s Indoor Air Quality Research Program (TUIAP) in the Chemical Engineering Department since 1987. His studies have focused on particulate research, air cleaner evaluation, indoor chemistry, school studies, asthma/housing research, and the resolution and remediation of bioaerosol-related problems. He is experienced in field research in homes and schools, and associated measurements/tools related to the characterization of IAQ and moisture. He is currently furthering research studying associations between IAQ parameters in classrooms and student health/performance and is actively working toward defining a basis for “clean” in schools which applies to both performance and health of students. In addition, he currently is overseeing a HUD grant to define what constitutes “normal” background fungal ecology in homes. He was a primary member of the ACGIH Bioaerosols Committee and contributing author to the 1999 ACGIH book on Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control and contributing author and section editor to the AIHA document on Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold. He has also served as President of The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) and continues to work with the Society to translate science into practice.
Awards and honors
- 2016 Invitee as participant/presenter for National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine on the Indoor Microbiome
- 2015 Presented with Hall of Fame award from the Indoor Air Quality Association (practitioner-based organization) in March 2015 for outstanding work and contributions to the field of Indoor Air Sciences and for advancements in translating research into practice.
- 2014 The “Best paper” honors: U Haverinen-Shaughnessy, DJ Moschandreas, RJ Shaughnessy, Association between substandard classroom ventilation rates and students’ academic achievement, Indoor Air 21, 121-131, 2011 (The “best papers” honor bestowed jointly by the editors of Indoor Air and by the ISIAQ Academy of Fellows)
- 2012 Expert contributor and primary member of committee on initiative on Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS), involving LEEDS type rating criteria for school buildings in the US
- 2008 Primary presenter and expert advisor to US Environmental Protection Agency’s Tools for Schools “Master Class” outreach efforts to school Districts across the US
- 2006 Awarded American Industrial Hygiene Association’s Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Indoor paper of the year for 2006, by the Indoor Environmental Committee of AIHA, for paper on “Review: What is an Effective Air Cleaner?”
- 2003-2004 Expert reviewer and contributor for National Academies, Institute of Medicine “Damp Indoor Spaces and Health”
- 1999 Referee for scientific and scholarly journals, Building and Environment, Indoor Air, Atmospheric Environment
- 1991-1996 Primary researcher on EPA’s initial exploratory research team of Schools Evaluation Program on IAQ in schools. This work was at the heart of the development of EPA’s Tools for Schools Kits first introduced in 1997.
- B.S., The University of Tulsa
- M.S., The University of Tulsa
- Ph.D., The University of Tulsa
Research interest and areas of expertise
- Indoor air pollution
- Environmental research
- Air cleaner evaluation
- Indoor chemistry
- School studies
- Housing research
- GHG in school and its impacts on student health