Program Review Committee - The University of Tulsa
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Program Review Committee

Charge: The purpose of the Program Review Committee (PRC) is to ensure that TU’s academic programs enhance student learning and align with the university’s strategic priorities. This standing committee is tasked with evaluating all academic programs in all colleges at TU across a number of dimensions, including, but not limited to, the following: their contribution to the university’s core mission; their alignment with the university’s strategic plan; their enrollment trajectory; and their financial sustainability. Deans of colleges with programs under evaluation will be given the opportunity to provide meaningful input. The committee will make recommendations to the provost based on the findings of their review. These recommendations may also address the allocation of TU’s academic resources across existing and future programs. The committee may also propose policies for the ongoing evaluation of academic programs.

Composition: The PRC is composed of 10 faculty representatives drawn from each college (three from the College of Engineering & Computer Science; three from the Henry Kendall College of Arts & Sciences; two from the Collins College of Business; one from the Oxley College of Health & Natural Sciences; and one from the College of Law), one dean, the president of the TU Faculty Senate, the provost (ex officio), the executive vice president and treasurer (ex officio) and the vice president of the TU Faculty Senate (ex officio). Other deans, administrators, students and/or alumni may be invited to participate ex officio as needed. Ex officio members shall not have voting rights.

Selection: As part of shared governance, each college will nominate at least two candidates for each of its allotted representative positions on the PRC. The deans will select candidates after soliciting nominees from the faculty in their respective colleges. The Deans’ Council will nominate two candidates from among its ranks. Candidates should be forward‐thinking and collaborative. Candidates will be interviewed and selected by a committee consisting of the president, the provost, and the president and vice president of the TU Faculty Senate. Following the interview process, committee members will be appointed by the president.

Terms: Faculty representatives to the PRC serve three‐year terms with the exception of the first cohort when, for colleges with more than one representative on the committee, staggered one‐, two‐ and three‐year terms will be established by lot. Terms of the committee members run from July 1 through June 30. When a faculty vacancy occurs, the respective dean will nominate two faculty for each vacancy. When a decanal vacancy occurs, the Deans’ Council will nominate two deans for each vacancy. The nominees will be interviewed annually in May and June. There is no limit on the number of terms a faculty member or dean may serve, but returning members must be re‐nominated. The PRC is a year‐round working committee.

Approved by Deans’ Council May 3, 2018; Revised June 19, 2019