International Baccalaureate Credit - The University of Tulsa
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International Baccalaureate Credit

The University of Tulsa recognizes the rigor of the International Baccalaureate curriculum by offering credit to students who earn the IB Diploma or achieve certain scores in the IB program. Credit is based on the following:

  • Students who earn the IB Diploma with a total score of 28 points or more will be awarded at least 30 hours of university credit (sophomore standing)
  • Students who earn the IB Diploma will receive credit from The University of Tulsa on the following scale:
Total IB PointsMinimum TU Credit
2410 semester hours
2515 semester hours
2620 semester hours
2725 semester hours
2830 semester hours

Students completing individual IB Higher Level and Standard Level classes but not earning the IB Diploma may earn credit for individual courses with scores of 5 and above.

A student may earn a maximum total of 36 semester hours of credit by all forms of examination (IB, AP, Cambridge International, or proficiency).

IB EXAMRequired ScoreTU Course TitleCredit Hrs Awarded*
Biology HL5BIOL 1603/1611: Introduction to Organic Evolutionary Biology and Lab8
BIOL 1703/1711: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Biology HL4BIOL 1043: Biology - A Way of Knowing3
Biology SL5BIOL 1043 Biology - A Way of Knowing (for non-science students) or Free Elective (for science students)3
Business and Mgt. HL or SL5BUS 1013: Business in Society (Block II except for Collins College of Business majors)3
Chemistry HL (present lab notebooks)5CHEM 1013 (and 1011): General Chemistry I (and Lab)6 (or 8)
CHEM 1023 (and 1021): General Chemistry II (and Lab)
Chemistry SL5CHEM 1003: Introductory Chemistry 3
(present lab notebooks)Block III credit (for non-science students) or Free Elective (for science students)(1)
Computer Science HL5CS 1043: Intro to Programming and Problem Solving6
CS 2003: Fundamentals of Algorithms and Computer Applications
Computer Science SL5CS 1043: Intro to Programming and Problem Solving or CS 2503: Scientific Programming3
Economics HL5ECON 1013: Economics Issues6
ECON 2013: Macroeconomics
Economics SL5ECON 2013: Macroeconomics3
English HL5ENGL 1033: Exposition and Argumentation6
ENGL 1053: The Narrative Imagination
English SL5ENGL 1053: The Narrative Imagination3
Environmental Systems and Societies SL5BIOL 1033: Environment and Humanity3
Film Studies HL5FLM 1663: Intro to Film Studies6
FLM 2663: Foundations of Film Studies
Film Studies SL5FLM 1913: Intro to Film Studies3
Foreign Language HL5Language Courses 1004/1014: Beginning Language I and II17
Language Courses 2003/2013: Intermediate Language I/II
Language Courses 3XX3 (depending on language): Advanced Language Course
Foreign Language SL5Language Courses 1004/1014: Beginning Language I/II14
Language Courses 2003/2013: Intermediate Language I/II
Geography HL or SL5GEOG 2663: Introduction to Physical Geography3
Global Politics HL 5POL 2053: Governing Ideas in America & POL 1023: Intro to Political Analysis (courses not applicable to POL SCI Major)6
Global Politics SL5POL 2053: Governing Ideas in America (not applicable to POL SCI major)3
History SL5HIST 2733: Colonialism and Imperialism3
History HL5HIST 2733: Colonialism and Imperialism, and one of the following based on region studied:6
HIST 2503: American Republic (Americas)
HIST 2213: Latin America (Americas)
HIST 2243: Revolution in Latin America (Americas)
HIST 1913: African History (Africa)
HIST 2403: Modern Western Civilization (Europe)
HIST 2423: History of Ideas in Modern Europe (Europe)
HIST 2603: Russia and the West (Europe or Russia)
HIST 2623: Chine and Japan since 1800 (East & S.E. Asia)
Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) HL5CYB 3023: Cyber Society Seminar6
CYB 2663 Cyber Security Elective
Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) SL 55CYB 3023: Cyber Society Seminar3
Latin HL5LAT 1004/1014: Beginning Latin I/II17
LAT 2003/2013: Intermediate Latin I/II
LAT 3023: Advanced Latin Texts
Latin SL5LAT 1004/1014: Beginning Latin I/II14
LAT 2003/2013: Intermediate Latin I, II
Mathematics HL5MATH 2014: Calculus I8 or 7
Math 2024: Calculus II or STAT 4813: Statistical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
Mathematics HL4MATH 1163: Pre-Calculus Math or MATH 1103: Basic Calculus3
Mathematics SL5MATH 2014: Calculus I4
4MATH 1163: Pre-Calculus Math or MATH 1103: Basic Calculus3
Mathematics - Analysis & Approaches HL4MATH 2014: Calculus 14
Mathematics - Analysis & Approaches SL5MATH 1163: Pre-Calculus Mathematics or MATH 1243: Applied Calculus3
4MATH 1163: Pre-calculus Mathematics3
Mathematics - Application & Interpretation HL5MATH 2014: Calculus I and STAT 4813: Statistical Methods for Scientists and Engineers7
4MATH 1163: Pre-calculus Mathematics or MATH 1243: Applied Calculus3
Mathematics - Application and Interpretation SL5MATH 1243: Applied Calculus3
4MATH 1163: Pre-calculus Mathematics3
Math Studies SL5MATH 1093: Math with Applications3
Music Performance SL5MUS 1013: Music Theory I3
Philosophy SL5PHIL 1003: Socrates to Sartre3
Philosophy HL5PHIL 1003: Socrates to Sartre3
Physics HL (present lab notebooks)5PHYS 2053 (and 2051): General Physics I (and lab)6 (or 8)
PHYS 2063 (and 2061): General Physics II (and lab)
Physics SL (present lab notebooks)5PHYS 1013 (and 1011): Introduction Physics I (and lab)6 (or 8)
PHYS 1023 (and 1021): Introductory Physics II (and lab)
Psychology HL5PSY 1663: Introductory Psychology (Block II)6
PSY 2253: Foundations of Psychology
Psychology SL5PSY 2253: Foundations of Psychology3
Social & Cultural Anthropology HL5ANTH 2043: Patterns in Culture - Cultural Anthropology6
ANTH 4063: Qualitative Methods in Anthropological Research
Social & Cultural Anthropology SL5ANTH 2043: Patterns in Culture - Cultural Anthropology3
Sport, Exercise and Health Sci5ATRG 1013: Concepts and Issues in Sport Science3
Theatre Arts HL5THEA 1013: The Theatre Experience6
THEA 2213: A Cultural History of Theatre
Theatre Arts SL5THEA 1013: The Theatre Experience3
Visual Arts HL5ART 1663: Intro to Studio Arts6
ART 2663: Icons & Images, The Visual Dialogue
Visual Arts SL5ART 2663: Icons & Images, The Visual Dialogue
World Religion SL5REL 1003: Explaining Religion

Information specific to TU applicants

Students pursuing the full IB Diploma may receive a waiver of the $50 TU undergraduate application fee with a written request from the IB coordinator.  To request an IB application fee waiver, contact

More Information on Applying IB Credits

The undergraduate colleges at The University of Tulsa determine how credit earned by examination will be applied toward the Tulsa Curriculum or the majors in their respective colleges.

TU will grant general credit, in addition to that earned for specific courses through IB and Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, so the total credit earned will equal the minimum on the scale. If the total credit earned for specific courses through IB and AP exams exceeds the minimum on the scale, no additional general credit will be granted. Students may earn a maximum of 36 credit hours by IB and/or AP exam.

Credit is determined by actual IB exams, scores and your major area of study. Every attempt is made to make all IB credits count toward your degree, but not all credits will always count. General education electives awarded may or may not count toward your specific degree.  How these credits will be applied towards your chosen major will be determined by a professional advisor at the time of your enrollment appointment.