Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee - The University of Tulsa
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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is established by federal mandate at institutions that use laboratory animals for research, teaching, research training, and testing to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the University’s animal care and use program. The IACUC is a self-regulating entity that derives its authority from two primary sources:

  • The Animal Welfare Act plus amendments, which is administered through USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and
  • The Health Research Extension Act (Public Health Service Act) which is administered through the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) of NIH.

The 1985 amendment of the latter act provides legislative authority for enforcing PHS policy, and established the organization and operation of an IACUC. The IACUC also reviews activities involving animals for compliance with other federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines.

The University of Tulsa University IACUC is composed of practicing scientists experienced in research involving animals, specialists in veterinary medicine, animal care technicians, non-scientists and lay representatives. The Committee meets at least once every six months and reviews all proposals for the use of animals, inspects animal facilities, serves to assure that live vertebrate animals used in research, teaching, and biological testing are used and cared for in an ethical and humane manner as prescribed in the:

The University of Tulsa has an approved assurance on file with the Public Health Service.

Applications must be completed and submitted to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, McClure Hall. Questions regarding completing the application may be directed to Dr. Charles Brown, TU IACUC Chair at 918-631-3943, or, 918-631-3310.


Mandatory IACUC Training and Requirements

All individuals listed on an IACUC animal protocol application form must have completed all the required training courses and other requirements and must be cleared to work with animals at The University of Tulsa.

Animal Welfare Concerns

The Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at The University of Tulsa investigates all concerns regarding the care, treatment and use of animals for research or teaching at the university. For key personnel or to use the EthicsPoint portal to report concerns, see Animal Welfare Concerns.

Additional Links

Contact:, 918-631-3310
Contact: Dr. Charles Brown, Chair, IACUC, at 918-631-3943