Third Year Requirements (Example) - The University of Tulsa
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Third Year Requirements (Example)

Administrative AgreementsProfessionalismContract Renewal
Application Material DevelopmentCareer & Self Development, Communication, Professionalism, TechnologyLinkedIn/Handshake update
Post-Graduate Potential DevelopmentCareer & Self Development, Critical Thinking, ProfessionalismInternship (complete at least 1 verified work experience in field of study)
Interview Skills DevelopmentCareer & Self Development, Communication, Critical Thinking, Professionalism, TechnologyMock Interview
Exposure DevelopmentCareer & Self Development, Communication, ProfessionalismAttend 2 CaneCareers events, Etiquette Dinner & Career Fair
Community DevelopmentEquity & Inclusion, Leadership, TeamworkComplete 10 hours of community service with True Blue
Coaching SessionsCareer & Self Development, Critical ThinkingMeet with career coach
Financial Wellness DevelopmentCareer & Self Development, Critical ThinkingComplete 1 Financial Wellness appointment, event or assessment
Leadership DevelopmentEquity & Inclusion, Leadership, TeamworkAttend at least one leadership training session and at least one diversity, equity and inclusion workshop