Campus Climate - The University of Tulsa
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Campus Climate

Although the majority of sexual violence is committed by friends, acquaintances or partners of the survivor, the majority of sexual violence prevention tips taught to us are modeled after perpetrators that are unknown to the survivor. Recognizing this, and recognizing that ultimately it is not the responsibility of the survivor to prevent their own assault, The University of Tulsa takes a community approach to sexual violence prevention and education, takes swift and stringent action when violence does occur and provides a number of support options for survivors.

The university recognizes that it is the responsibility of every TU community member to end sexual violence by not perpetuating a climate that permits violence to occur. To do this, the university provides a number of resources, educational opportunities and reporting options in order to help eliminate sexual violence on our campus and to support survivors of sexual violence and other forms of violence.

The University of Tulsa actively stands against sexual violence on campus. TU leadership is dedicated to working with the campus community to change culture and decrease sexual violence on campus.

The University of Tulsa Campus Climate Survey: Executive Summary

The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence rates, attitudes regarding interpersonal violence, knowledge of and access to resources, alcohol and drug consumption, mental health symptoms and perception of preventative and response efforts by the university. The executive summary prepared by the University of Tulsa Institute of Trauma, Adversity and Injustice and the Advocacy Alliance.

Student Executive Summary 2021-2022

Student Executive Summary 2020-2021

Student Executive Summary 2019-2020

Student Executive Summary 2018-2019

Student Executive Summary 2017-2018

Student Executive Summary 2016-2017

Student Executive Summary 2015-2016

Student Executive Summary 2014-2015

Campus Climate Survey for Faculty and Staff

In spring 2019, The University of Tulsa Institute of Trauma, Adversity and Injustice and the Coordinated Community Response Team launched the university’s first Campus Climate Survey for Faculty and Staff. The aim was to gather information that could be used to improve the work environment at TU through, for example, policies, procedures and training.

The results of the survey are now in and a report has been prepared. This identifies and discusses both key areas of strength (e.g., campus safety) and opportunities for improvement (e.g., nonsexual and sexual harassment and reporting).

Faculty/Staff Executive Summary 2019

Graduate/Law Campus Climate Survey 2021-2022

This project was supported by Grant No. _2016-WA-AX-0007__ awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.