The University of Tulsa Chapman Graduate Scholar Presentation Awards Program provides assistance for graduate students to present their scholarship in a national or international forum to enhance the student’s career opportunities. We encourage you to contact the Graduate School staff for more information about scholarship awards at or by phone at 918-631-2336.
Objective: The University of Tulsa Chapman Graduate Scholar Presentation Awards Program provides financial assistance for graduate students to present their scholarship in a national or international forum and to enhance the student’s career opportunities. These are competitive awards; not all applicants receive one.
Eligibility: Any enrolled graduate student who is first author on an abstract and presenting research conducted at The University of Tulsa during their graduate program may apply. Enrolled students entering works in juried exhibitions are also eligible for support. The applicant must be enrolled at the time of the presentation (with the exception of summer), and the presentation must be prior to the applicant’s graduation.
All students are expected to have previous experience presenting either on campus or at a national or international professional meeting prior to receiving a Chapman Scholars Presentation Award. Appropriate on-campus experience includes a presentation given in the Annual Student Research Colloquium, in a departmental brown bag seminar, to a research advisory board, in a departmental symposium, or similar events. A classroom presentation for coursework is not deemed adequate.
It is highly recommended that students participate in the annual student Research Colloquium which is held each Spring. Presentations given in this forum are intended to improve students’ oral presentation skills and assist them with explaining their research to people outside of their discipline. Preference will be given to:
- Students in the final semesters of their degree program.
- Doctoral students giving oral presentations.
- Students who have previous experience presenting research.
Application Deadline: Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis, pending availability of funds within the Graduate School. Students are encouraged to submit requests as early as possible, as funds may run out over the course of the year.
Application: All requests for support must be made using the Chapman Graduate Scholar Presentation Award application form. The applicant must enclose a detailed budget, a copy of the abstract, a copy of the acceptance letter of the paper for the professional meeting, and the completed application form signed by the student’s advisor.
If an acceptance letter is not available at the time of application, a student may still apply by the application deadline by attaching a copy of the transmittal letter sent with submission of the abstract. No funds will be released until a copy of the acceptance letter is submitted.
Budget: Submit a detailed budget that clearly lists each estimated cost associated with the scholarly presentation. Eligible expenses include round trip airfare or mileage ($0.585/mile), hotel cost, food (a maximum of $37.50 first and last day, and $50 for the other days), conference fees and Uber/Lyft transportation costs.
Size of Grant: A student may submit more than one proposal, but funding priority will be given to students who have received less than $1000 as master’s degree students and $1500 as doctoral degree students during their degree program.
Petition for Exception: If an application does not meet the above guidelines, including poster presentations by doctoral students, the student may petition for an exception by submitting the petition in writing to the Graduate Dean. The petition should explain in detail any extenuating circumstances and must be approved and signed by the advisor. The advisor’s letter must address the extenuating circumstances including doctoral students giving poster presentations.
Reporting Requirements: Expense reports and original receipts must be submitted within 30 days following travel. Requests for reimbursement submitted more than 30 days after travel may not be approved (University policy). For the travel reimbursement form, email