Technology - The University of Tulsa
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​We formally support these technologies along with extension of these tools.


Learning Management System powered by Blackboard

  • ​Delivery of content, assessments, assignment collection
  • SafeAssign Plagiarism Checking – in harvey assignments or instructor submit
  • LockDown Browser – used with harvey exams to lock the student in the exam


Streaming media service to deliver and record streaming videos

  • Access through your Harvey course or org​
  • Some initial setup is required to for first time recordings and record sessions into a new course

Collab​​orate (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)

Web conferencing tool

  • Accessed through your Harvey course or org
  • No initial setup required

Clickers (TurningPoint Tech​​nology)

Student Response System that is used in several colleges

  • Connect through Harvey
  • Initial account creation required
  • Students purchase a license and clicker as a bundle or as required.  A license is the minimum required.


​Monitors and boards in several classrooms that enable writing.


​The scantron is located in the Faculty Resource Center.  It is self-serve.