Finance Excellence Fund - The University of Tulsa
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Finance Excellence Fund

students in the computer lab studying finance and how to calculate price return

To provide the resources necessary for the School of Finance, Operations Management, and International Business to achieve their goal of national prominence, Friends of Finance has established a Finance Excellence Fund. The objectives of the fund are:

  • Establish scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students to attract the best students in the nation. Named scholarships can be established.
  • Obtain the necessary computers, financial databases, online financial data, and current information technology that will provide TU students with an exceptional educational experience and prepare them for successful careers in finance.
  • Create a stimulating teaching and research environment that will attract and retain faculty who will be superior classroom teachers, and who will conduct outstanding research. Teaching and research grants will be provided to faculty to develop innovative teaching materials and to conduct groundbreaking research.
  • Support students in international exchange programs to help our students prepare for the complexities of a global financial environment.
  • Achieve national academic recognition by acquiring endowment funds to support named professorships, distinguished chairs, and endowed chairs.

Gifts to the Finance Excellence Fund are transferred to the Student Investment Fund, which is managed by students under the direction of a faculty member and a Board of Advisors. Earnings from the Student Investment Fund are used to support the foregoing objectives.

Several programs have been established to allow you to support our mission and contribute to the Finance Excellence Fund. These are: cash; financial assets; life insurance gifts; second-to-die insurance; lifetime gift plans; and matching gifts. Contributors will be listed on the Finance Excellence Fund Honor Roll in one of the following special groups.

  • Finance Visionary $100,000 or more
  • Finance Sponsor $25,000-$99,999
  • Finance Founder $10,000-$24,999
  • Finance Partner $5,000-$9,999
  • Finance Benefactor $1,500-$4,999
  • Finance Patron $1,000-$1,499
  • Finance Associate $500-$999
  • Finance Friend $100-$499
  • Finance Donor $1-$99

Support the School of Finance, Operations Management and International Business

Make an online gift or pledge to the Finance Excellence Fund or contact Brett Yeakey at 918-631-3733 or to discuss your support of the School of Finance, Operations Management and International Business.