Student organizations play a pivotal role in fostering the vibrant and engaging TU community. Covering a wide array of interests, these organizations provide students with opportunities to connect with like-minded peers, develop leadership skills, and contribute to the University’s diverse cultural and academic landscape. From academic and professional groups to cultural and recreational clubs, students have a plethora of options to enhance their college experience and create lasting friendships.
Student Organizations

Business Organizations
The University of Tulsa offers a variety of business student organizations to help build leadership skills, network and provide service opportunities within students’ majors.
Media and Communications Clubs
TU provides hands-on journalistic and broadcast experiences for students. Productions are student operated, freshmen are eligible to participate, and some staff positions are paid.
Honor Societies
The University of Tulsa supports chapters of national honor societies that recognize the hard work of our students. Two honor societies recognize all areas of study: Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi.
International Clubs and Organizations
The University of Tulsa offers a variety of international student clubs, academic and social clubs, student government, and recreational sports to help you plug into campus life. Join in field trips, parties and other social functions organized by our student organizations. The Association of International Students hosts events throughout the year including the International Night Banquet.
Intramural Sports
An extensive, coed intramural program gives students the opportunity for good-natured competition in a wide range of sports and games.
Multicultural Organizations, Fraternities and Sororities
Expand your understanding of your own and other cultures by joining a multicultural student organization. It’s a great way meet people with similar interests and make new friends.
Music Groups
Hit the right chords by auditioning for a variety of first-rate musical groups at The University of Tulsa. You don’t have to major in music to get involved.
On-Campus Leadership Opportunities
There are plenty of opportunities to build your leadership skills at The University of Tulsa.
Student Government (SA)
The University of Tulsa is full of amazing leadership and involvement opportunities for students. SA represents the cooperative effort of all students and organizations on campus to make college life as enriching and rewarding as possible.
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
You become a member of the Residence Hall Association (RHA) by virtue of living in the residence halls and paying a $25 per semester fee. RHA represents residents’ concerns and provides educational, social and recreational programs. As the liaison between residents and TU administration, RHA promotes positive changes in residence hall policies. RHA is well known for its Welcome Back fall socials, philanthropic projects, spring honors and awards banquet, and the annual RHA Week in January.
Hall Governments
Each hall is a self-governing unit within RHA and elects officers according to the respective residence hall constitutions. Officer elections are conducted on a hallwide basis. All officer positions provide the opportunity for students to serve in a leadership capacity in the hall, act as liaisons between students and the Office of Housing & Dining Services, and develop hall programs.
National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)
The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the recognition branch of National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH). The organization believes recognition fosters a strong residence hall community. The NRHH chapter membership per school is restricted to 1 percent of students living in the residence halls. Once inducted into NRHH, you can consider yourself a member of the top 1 percent of residence hall leaders.
Pre-Professional Organizations
Most departments sponsor organizations for their majors that promote student and faculty interaction, professional networking, service and departmental camaraderie.
Religious Life
While founded and sustained as a Presbyterian school, The University of Tulsa is home to students of nearly every faith. Inclusion rather than exclusion describes the university’s vibrant religious community.
Specialty Interest Groups and Services
Hobbies, political concerns, human rights and community service are a few of the broad categories of special interests TU students pursue through organized events. The Director for University and Community Services coordinates numerous community service opportunities and ongoing projects including tutoring and mission outreach. There also are many groups on campus promoting the cultural heritage and special interests of TU’s diverse populations through a rich assortment of events and activities throughout the year.
Spirit Groups
It’s easy to get fired up about TU’s Division I athletics. Our spirit squads lead the way with their infectious enthusiasm. Annual tryouts are open to incoming freshmen, as well as returning students, and should be arrange through the squad sponsor.
Student Veteran Association
Founded in 2011, the TUSVA has become one of the most recognized midwestern, private university chapters and is the largest, active chapter in Oklahoma. McKee Student Veterans Success Center is a student lounge located in Norman Village Apartments. They host events throughout the year, such as tailgating, crawfish boils, welcome back luncheons, and more.