Submission Guidelines
What sort of research may be submitted?
Presentations may contain original research or scholarship that you may be conducting, work that you already submitted for a classroom project during the previous fall semester or work in progress for the spring semester. Some students also use the colloquium as an opportunity to present research proposals or scholarship for which they are contemplating an in-depth study. Research does not have to be experimentally based. Humanities, business, engineering, legal, physical sciences and social science topics are welcome.
TU Student Awards
Best video will receive an award. Winners must have or obtain a social security number in order to receive their award checks.
Volunteer TU students, faculty, and administrators from a variety of academic disciplines.
Judging Criteria will be sent after the submission deadline.
Requirements for Presenters
1. Complete the online submission form by Feb. 28.
The student presenting the research must be the senior author of the abstract.
- Maximum of 250 words for submitted abstracts.
- Within the attached word document that includes your submitted abstract, use the following formatting guidelines:
- Title and student author’s name each on a separate line with a blank line between the title and the student author’s name. Type the title in all caps and the author’s name in upper and lower case.
- If any co-authors are faculty or professionals external to the University, they may not be first author and their names should appear on the line following the student author’s name. Please get the permission of all noted authors before submitting abstract.
2. Upon submitting your project for review, your research advisor will be emailed a copy for approval. Advisors are asked to approve submissions using the Campus Connection link emailed to them.
The areas of concern that Project Advisors must evaluate are listed below:
- Faculty is expected to evaluate the submission for potential patent issues on behalf of The University of Tulsa. If the submission content discloses ideas that may be patentable, the faculty should advise the student to meet with the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, who will work with the student and faculty to guide them with the patent application submission process. The university does not want to lose the opportunity to patent TU research on behalf of the student because of premature disclosure to a public audience. After patent application is submitted (if appropriate), a student may publicly present the research.
- Faculty is expected to evaluate the student’s submission for research involving human subjects. If human subjects were involved, did The University of Tulsa Internal Review Board (IRB) review and approve this research? If not, the faculty should not sign the confirmation page and should advise the student to meet with the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs.
- Review of proposed research by the IRB is intended to ensure that research activities involving human subjects safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects as required in federal regulations. You must submit a copy of your IRB approval letter with the signed confirmation page to the Graduate School before a presentation may be approved for the Research Colloquium.
3. Video Presentation Workshop.
This workshop is open to all TU students. Attendance is strongly encouraged, but not required for participation in the Research Colloquium.
Chapman Assistant Professor of Media Studies Emily Contois will lead a virtual workshop on covering practical details (e.g., camera angles, lighting), best practices for using slides, and step-by-step instructions for creating a video presentation using a program such as Zoom for filming. If you have questions, send them to
If you’d like to view the video, you may do so here.
4. Submit a three-minute video for approval by March 15, 2024.
Winners will be announced during the award banquet.