Frequently Asked Questions: Taking Courses Pass/D/F - The University of Tulsa
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Frequently Asked Questions: Taking Courses Pass/D/F

FAQ: Taking Courses Pass/D/F

Q: What is the latest date that I can declare a Pass/D/F for spring 2021?
A: You can change to Pass/D/F up through 5 p.m. (Central) on Thursday, May 20, 2021.

Q: Can I elect Pass/D/F for any course?
A: Yes, for spring 2021.
All courses (major, minor, block, HCGD, core and elective courses) are included.
This policy does not apply to graduate courses (5000, 6000 and 7000 level).

Q: I’m considering this option, what should I do?
A: Discuss this decision with your faculty advisor, professional advisor and/or your student success coach or athletics OASiS staff member.

Q: Will a P/D/F grade satisfy prerequisite requirements in future courses at TU?
A: Yes, as long as you earn the grade of Pass.

Q: There is a rule that only 18 credit hours of Pass/D/F can apply to my degree; how is this affected?
A: Excluding this semester, you may take up to 18 additional Pass/D/F credits. Credits earned outside of the spring 2020, fall 2020 and spring 2021 terms are subject to normal TU Pass/D/F restrictions.

Q: If I am repeating a class, how will a Pass/D/F declaration impact my transcript?
A: Both the old and new course grades will appear on the transcript. The points associated with the grade received from the prior attempt will be not be included in your GPA. The points associated with the most recent grade will be used for GPA calculation. Pass removes the previous points associated. D and F grades count against your GPA.

If you anticipate earning a grade in a course higher than your current GPA, declaring a Pass/D/F for that course may not be the best decision.

Q: Will electing to complete a course P/D/F impact my application to graduate school and/or professional programs?
A: Some graduate schools and professional programs have taken the unusual step of waiving policies that require grades in prerequisite coursework. Seek advice from faculty and from the admissions offices of programs to which you are applying in order to make an informed decision.

Q: If I make a Pass/D/F declaration, can I change my mind later?
A: No. Once a course is approved for Pass/D/F enrollment, it will not be possible to change back to a letter grade.

Financial Aid Implications of Pass/D/F

Q: How will choosing to move to Pass/D/F impact your TU undergraduate scholarships?
A: Renewal of TU scholarship funding is based on full-time enrollment as well as a specific grade point average. Pass/D/F classes will not impact your GPA as long as you pass. If you fail the class, the earned grade of either a D or an F will calculate into your GPA.

Thus, give it some thought as to how this will impact the renewal of your scholarship. If you currently are meeting the expectations necessary with your GPA, choosing Pass/D/F and earning passing grades that will keep your GPA at or above the expected GPA for your scholarship will not negatively impact the renewal of your TU Scholarship. If you currently are deficient in your GPA requirement to have your scholarship renewed, you need to understand how Pass/D/F will impact your GPA. Depending on the number of classes that you take Pass/D/F, you may not raise your GPA in order to earn back the scholarship funding. Be cognizant of how your decision will impact your GPA, and how it will affect the renewal of your scholarship funding.

Q: How will choosing to move to Pass/D/F impact your TU federal/state aid?
A: Your federal and state aid is based on Satisfactory Academic Progress. In order to continue to receive federal/state aid, you must have an accumulative 2.0 GPA, and have earned 67% of all the classes that you have attempted. With Pass/D/F, you will not earn a GPA associated with the classes that you elect to take as Pass/D/F. If you pass the class or if you earn a D or an F, those hours will calculated into your GPA. Thus, your GPA must be at a 2.0 as one component of receiving federal aid.

The second component of receiving federal aid is ensuring that you are showing progress toward your degree as it pertains to earned hours. Classes that you elect to take as Pass/D/F will be included as attempted hours; however, if you pass the class, you will also show earned hours. If you do not pass the class, these hours will not show up as earned hours, which may impact your progress that is needed for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Student-Athlete Spring 2021 – FAQs

Q: How will moving this class to Pass/D/F impact my GPA for athletic/academic eligibility?
A: Minimum cumulative GPA requirements must be met:
1.80 cumulative GPA before beginning your second year of enrollment
1.90 cumulative GPA before beginning your third year of enrollment
2.0 cumulative GPA before beginning your fourth year of enrollment and beyond

If you anticipate earning a grade in a course higher than your current GPA, declaring a Pass/D/F for that course may not be the best decision. Work with both your collegiate academic adviser and athletic academic coordinator to calculate a GPA projection.

Q: How will moving this class to Pass/D/F impact my GPA for me to retain my academic and athletic scholarships?
A: Per NCAA Bylaw 15 Financial Aid legislation in order to receive both academic and athletic scholarships from an institution, you must be at or above a 3.00 cumulative GPA before each fall semester.

If you anticipate earning a grade in a course higher than your current GPA, declaring a Pass/D/F for that course may not be the best decision. Work with both your academic adviser and athletic academic coordinator to calculate a GPA projection.

College of Engineering and Natural Sciences FAQs

Q: What are the future ramifications on your career, should you opt for Pass/D/F grading in one or more of your courses this semester?
A1. ABET (the engineering accreditation organization) is well aware of the disruptions in higher education this semester. ABET’s official policy is that “temporary changes” are to be expected this semester and need not be reported to ABET unless they become permanent changes. Since Pass/D/F is a temporary change (being made by TU and lots of other schools that teach engineering) we are anticipating no issues with accreditation, either for our engineering programs as a whole, or for our individual students who choose Pass/D/F.

A2. Engineering jobs. Some of you have asked whether potential employers will look negatively upon job applicants who have one or more “P” grades on their transcript for this semester. Our answer, at this point, is that this is unlikely. We are continuing to solicit feedback on this, but to date we have no input that suggests choosing Pass/D/F this semester will hurt your chances in the job market. Engineering employers are looking to hire students with good GPAs, relevant job experience (internships, etc.), a good skillset (software, hands-on, etc.), demonstrated leadership capabilities, and other things. A few Ps on your transcript is unlikely to make much of a difference.

A3. Graduate school, including medical school. There is no definitive answer as to what extent med schools and graduate schools might take into account students who choose P grades this semester.